-Founded by Patti Dorsey-
Google Classroom Help
Google Classroom
IMPORTANT: Please accept the invite to your child’s class(es) that was sent to your child’s ASP email address BEFORE trying to access Google Classroom. If you need another updated invite please ask your child’s teacher***
Go to www.gmail.com
2. Sign into your child’s A Starting Place email
3. Once you are signed into your email, locate the 9 tiled dots in the upper right hand
4. Click on Classroom (This will take you to Google Classroom;Remember to accept the invite to your child’s classroom before completing this step.)
5. Click on your child’s class. (Please note: Your child may have multiple Google Classrooms. ie: Their Teacher’s/Room X’s Class, Music, Al’s Pals, and Literacy.)
6. Once you are in the desired Classroom, you’ll find class materials, announcements, and links posted on the stream. *The link to get onto the virtual class may vary by teacher. Some will post the link in the stream, others will make the link visible on the top left corner of the classroom banner.
Need More Help?
If you are having trouble accessing the classroom (such as it is telling you access is denied or you are outside of the domain), make sure you are signed in under your child's ASP email account. Sometimes it will switch back to your default Gmail account.
To toggle back and forth to your child’s email on an already existing Gmail account:
Locate your initial in the upper right hand corner and click
Click your child’s ASP email account (“Add another account” if you haven’t set it up on the device yet)
You MUST download the Gmail app and sign into your child’s email for the Classroom app to work. You can download the Google Classroom app onto your phone.
Go to app store and download
Once downloaded, click “get started”
Sign into your child’s ASP email account